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The Secret on Attracting Wealth in 5 Simple Steps

The secret to attracting wealth is really nothing new in today’s world. For the past century, lots of books, seminars and other materials have been produced that are available to mankind. But still, 90% of the people in this world are still struggling to attract the wealth they desired, that is why it is still a secret. You may probably know this as the Law of attraction; it is a law which states that you can manifest prosperity into your life by focusing your thoughts and emotions on the vision of already having the prosperity that you want.

This may seem impossible to manifest, but the Law of attraction has been applied by some of the most successful and well-known achievers in history; from Leonardo Davinci, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Thomas Edison, Einstein, JD Rockefeller, Dale Carnegie and countless others.

It is also a fact that in ancient times, the Babylonians use the law of attraction to bring prosperity into their lives. It made them one of the most affluent races as told in the Old Testament and is also referenced primarily in the book The Richest Man in Babylon and other timeless classics. It also led them to build the HangingGardens of Babylon.

The secret to attracting wealth is a universal law, it works for everyone. For those who are truly dedicated to learn and apply the secret to attracting wealth, here are four things that you can do.

How to Apply the Secret to Attracting Wealth

These 4 steps were adapted from Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich”, the most comprehensive and practical book ever written on attracting wealth:

1. Set an exact goal

You have to be specific on how much wealth that you want to accomplish in your life so that your subconscious mind will focus on that goal and will take action on acquiring the wealth you desire.  For example, if your objective is to become a millionaire, set one million dollars as your exact goal, and don’t worry about how you’re going to do it… that will come later.

2. Set a deadline to acquiring it

If set a date on acquiring the money that you want, you will have that sense of urgency that will prevent you from procrastinating.  But if you don’t a deadline on it, it will only remain a plain simple goal. You are here to manifest, not to make lots of goals and not take action.

3. Determine your contribution

You can’t have something for nothing. You have to make an effort to acquire wealth. You have a business, giving your services to a certain person, or working hard for a company. And you must have a passion for your contributions to achieve the results that you want.

4. Create a plan and get started

This will give you direction and focus your energy even with a lot of distractions that goes on around you. Don’t get trapped trying to create the perfect plan, this will paralyze you. Just set it, and then revise it from time to time. Some things will work and some things will not. The most important point is that you are taking action. You will get there for sure.

5. Write it out and “rehearse” it twice a day

This is probably the most important step that you must do because you are engaging your subconscious mind to recondition your thoughts and beliefs, to empower you to take certain actions that will get you toward your goal. You can rehearse your goals by reading your plan aloud in the morning and evening, creating your vision board, watching mind movies, creative visualization, self hypnosis or any other means of creating a vivid image of your goal. This will inspire you to take consistent action to create wealth.

The law is really simple, and the sooner you get started on this process the sooner you’ll be one of the few who has a solid understanding of the secret to attracting wealth.

Subconscious Mind Power: Determining Your Success in Life

For over a century, there has been a great demand on the study of the power of the subconscious mind by personal development authorities. Although it is only recently that they’ve found a scientific correlation between how the subconscious mind works and how we come to experience prosperity, good health, harmonious relationships and other things that are related to personal success.

In 2005 the movie ‘The Secret’ revolutionized the public view of how to use the power of the subconscious mind with the “law of attraction.” If you have not been aware of this, you are bound for a great opportunity to learn all about attracting your ideal lifestyle upon reading this article.

Here are some of the first few things that you need to know:

Your Greatest Gift: The Power of Conditioning

Majority of us agree we have the power of free Will to choose whatever we want in life. Human beings are the only species that have been given this power by the Infinite. We can reinvent our mind and condition it to perceive anything at any time with focus and consistency.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This has been stated in the Old Testament and in various ways in many other texts, but how does this relate to the law of attraction to attract prosperity, health and success?

Just think about all the wealthiest people on our planet. Most of them have built their fortunes, lost it for a moment, and built it back up and are many times better off than before. How come they got it back the second time around and why do most people fail to do this?

Average people have studied them, trying to strike it rich, but most never become wealthy, healthy or have successful relationships. They follow the wealthy person’s principles but still they don’t get the success they want. This is because it is not only the principles that make a person a success it’s actually in the ongoing conditioning of these principles which has them achieve wealth.

Use the power of the subconscious mind to recondition yourself and will begin to develop the same mindset which has made others successful. It is only a matter of time that your actions and habits will bring you the results that you desire.  But there is another source of power that you must use that is more powerful than that.

The Power of Your Connection to the Infinite

Physicists for the past hundred years have discovered that we are living in a vast energy field, and everything is made up of energy. A solid, liquid or matter is determined by the vibrational state of the energy. What’s fascinating about this is that you can begin to use the power of your subconscious mind in a much more effective way, to shift into a more positive vibration within your body and change your conditioning so that these vibrations are actually in sync with the energy that you really want to experience. You will begin to have flashes of inspiration that will lead you to take action to get the results you desire.

This phenomenon has become known as the “law of attraction” which is an undeniable natural law, defined as “you creating what you experience through your subconscious programming, in turn creating a vibration in your body which naturally attracts things that are similar in vibration.” So you co create your experience and by understanding this power, you can attract everything you want in life, again and again.

How to Beat Stress in 4 Easy Steps

In this day and age, things are a lot more complicated and very more intoxicating. As a result, people get stressed out and live unhappy and unhealthy lives. You get older than your age, you lose or gain weight, and your body deteriorates. If you want to live a happy healthy and  life, follow these simple and yet effective tips to beat out stress.

1)      Meditate – go and look for a very quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Breathe slowly and clear out your thoughts. This will clear out your mind and  weed out the toxins inside you. Do this for 10 minutes a day, one in the morning and before going to bed. You will feel relaxed, refreshed and feel better than before.

2)      Eat the right food – Eat lots of vegetables and fruits as much as possible. They give antioxidants and vitamins that will nourish your body. This will make up for the lost energy that you have used and abused. Refrain from eating junk foods and fatty foods for you will not get the nutrients from eating them  and will definitely slow you down. Your body is your temple, and you must watch what you eat.

3)      Sleep – if you haven’t been getting the enough hours of  sleep, then you should reserve at least one day on the weekend on which you can recuperate and regenerate your body. Taking 10 minute naps in the afternoon can also help. This will get you more active and be more productive the following week.

4)      Exercise – make sure to take time to work out for at least 30 minutes in a day, three times a week. You don’t have to engage yourself with a strenuous workout. Take a walk, jog, climb stairs. This will get your blood circulating, increases your endurance and gets you in shape. It will also release endorphins, and endorphins will make you happy.

Stress can be beaten and you can overcome them as long as you take action. It will not escape your life, so the answer is to confront and find ways to beat them. They are just part of the challenges in life that everyone of us will experience.

Love Affirmations for Attracting Your Soul Mate

Affirmations of love make you “in tune with yourself” enabling you to attract the romance that you have always wanted with your soul mate.

The magic of love affirmations is that they rewire your inner dialogue which in turn sends out “good vibes” which act like a magnet, making you attractive to other people.

There may have been moments that you felt a natural desire to be in a relationship with someone, but you couldn’t for various reasons, particularly if you felt undeserving of a loving relationship with this person.

If this is the case you will need to develop your own positive love affirmations to recondition yourself in order for you to attract a person that you want to come into your life.

Are you excited to feel the love?

Then follow these simple and effective love affirmations for receiving love.

First, Get Specific

When you start to think about writing your love affirmations, get specific on what you want your soul mate to be:

1)    What kind of person that you want to attract

2)    And the kind of person YOU must become to attract them

Just when you thought that you only have to create positive affirmations to attract the soul mate of your desires… Well it doesn’t work one-way you must also creative positive affirmations for the person you must become yourself to be desirable as well.

Ask yourself: What qualities must I have to be an attractive person? What kind of person would I need to be in order to attract this kind of person?

You will find your answers will help form the love affirmations as you go through the process below.

Second, Build Your Affirmations

Your love affirmations must have some common elements in order for them to take effect:

1)    They must be in the first person

2)    They must be in the present tense

3)    Must be specifically focused on the traits that you are looking for in the other person

4)    And also focused on the traits that you want to assimilate in order to attract the man or woman of your dreams

For example, if you’re looking for someone who is confident and ambitious, your love affirmations might look like this:

”As a confident and ambitious man, I naturally attract confident and ambitious women into my life.”

“My confidence and assertiveness attracts confident and assertive women.”

“I attract ambitious women because I’m an ambitious man.”

Did you notice that each one of these love affirmations has the four things mentioned in common?

Now, in case you’re thinking that you are lying to yourself in stating such things, here’s something important to note about how affirmations work: love affirmations, like any other affirmations, work to condition your subconscious mind to believe the things that you are consistently telling it, which is called subconscious imprinting.

Your affirmations will reprogram your mind over time, until your new beliefs manifest into reality.

This will influence you to take certain actions and become aware of situations that may result in meeting your future partner. This is because once you have established new beliefs the psychological principle known as cognitive dissonance takes place. This is where a person no longer feels comfortable when what they believe and the actions that they take are not in alignment with one another. As a result, the person will change their actions to become realigned with these positive new beliefs.

Third, Rehearse Your Positive Affirmations

Have your written love affirmations in front of you and read them in front of a mirror in the morning and in the evening.

Try this for 21 days, and you will experience the magic of using affirmations. You will suddenly attract the places, things and circumstances that will lead you toward attracting your soul mate.

Good luck!

How to Attract Money

Want to learn how to attract money? You have always wanted to know the secrets on how to attract money if you have financial independence, life will become easier for you, right? You have always dreamed of having more time to experience the finer things in life, including taking care of your health with regular exercise and being able to afford high quality foods and nutritional support.

I bet you’ve imagined spending enough quality time to build relationships with your loved ones without worrying about having to work long hours just to get by paying the bills. Well all of the health, relationship, and materialistic goals that you want to achieve can be accomplished when you know how to attract money in your life. Many have said, “Money isn’t everything!” and they are correct, although in the words of Zig Ziglar, Money is like Oxygen, when you need it you really need it! You need money to improve your health, you need money to help others and share with the world,

So here are 3 simple steps that you must do in order to attain prosperity:

First, Decide and Expect How Much Money do You Want

Decide the exact amount of money that you want to have and put a deadline on when you would like to receive the money. Let your mind play with the money you want but make sure that it is achievable. Don’t expect to have a million dollars in your bank account within the next 6 months when you only make $24,000 a year! A more measurable goal is double or triple your current yearly income (let’s say $50,000 or even $75,000 in the first year).

If you have achieved one goal, you can now set much higher goals the following year eventually making your way to attracting your first million! Now the secret to make this work is to expect that the money will come to you and not worry about how you will receive that money. Why not worry? Because worrying will just block your mind with negativity and will not bring you to the right actions and opportunities to achieving your goal.

Just think about a time you had to come up with some money in a hurry. You really had no idea how you would get it, but in the end you found a way to have it because you have focused on having that money in your hands for a specific purpose. Positively expecting money is the main difference that you must do make along with taking action!

Second, Get Obsessed

If you have always failed to attract the money that you wanted, it could be because you haven’t been very obsessed with having it. I’m not talking about getting obsessed with the actual money itself, but you must be focused on specific goals for the use of money that you will want. It might be that car that you always wanted, the house of your dreams, the vacation that you’ve wanted to go on for so long, or anything else that requires money.

By focusing your thoughts toward the attainment of prosperity you will heavily impact your capacity for attracting money. It is not the actual money that we really need it is the time freedom and the things that money can buy that we must focus on, having a big reason why will help to attract the money that you want in your life.

Third, Work with What You Have

Once you get obsessed with the goal you have for attracting the money you desire, give your full effort and work hard to realize that goal. You may have a slow and rough start, but once you start taking action, your subconscious mind will receive many signals and present ideas that you have never thought of before, along with attracting amazing opportunities, giving you the momentum you need to make sure you keep moving in the right direction – this will unravel all the possibilities for you to have the money that you have always desired!

Personal and Spiritual Growth: 5 Easy Tips

Life is a journey. And as we go through this journey, we seek personal and spiritual growth along the way. You will go through different stages as part of your self discovery and finding your purpose.

As you continue to seek out ways to help improve your personal and spiritual life, you‘ll find many tips and strategies to achieve your goals and gain self-confidence.

So for you fellow growth-seekers, I would like to give you some suggestions that I have discovered as I have gone along on my own journey.

Follow these 5 easy tips for personal and spiritual growth and be sure to apply them on an ongoing basis to ensure a life full of growth and excitement.

Never Assume You Know it All

As you pursue your personal and spiritual growth, always keep an open mind and be humble to accept that you are a student of life and that you are forever learning and it may take many days, months or even years.

Never assume that even after you have attended dozens of seminars and read hundreds of books it means that “you know it all” on how to improve yourself personally and spiritually.

Did you know that even the most famous self-help and spiritual teachers continue to learn even when they’re considered experts! They know that they must not allow themselves to become stagnant, for they know that there is always learning to be done which may suit their own growth in their lives – It only takes one piece of information at the right time to change your whole paradigm!

Balance Optimism with Critical Thinking

We all know keeping a positive mental attitude is perhaps the most important attribute to developing yourself, but you must also learn how develop your critical thinking skills.

There is nothing wrong with being optimistic especially in times of doubt, uncertainty, and when you experience challenges, however if the unexpected happens, the situation calls out for growth and you need to learn and recognize where the issues are to prevent it from happening again.

This sets you to think critically and develop a better strategy to achieve your goal.


Look for the Meaning in Nature

Even if you have experienced a lot of personal and spiritual growth, being in tune with natural surroundings and experiences is the best teacher in life.

C.S. Lewis, the famous author once said that “the majority of people’s problems are caused by the fact that they are disconnected with the rest of creation.”

Start investing more time into understanding how nature works; you will discover more about yourself and how you can best work in synergy with the natural laws in order to achieve further personal and spiritual growth.

Take Care of Your Body

As the saying goes in the many great spiritual teachings, “Your body is your Temple.” Your body is your source of energy in the physical realm. It should be well maintained so you can give your full focus and attention to achieving what you want in life.

If your body is weak, you will have trouble performing tasks at your best, and may lack the drive to push yourself through any challenges that arise, which is essential for your ultimate growth.

Have a Central Purpose

To gain personal and spiritual growth you must have a central purpose in your life.

This helps in many ways, especially in establishing strong focus. Also you’ll avoid many unnecessary hindrances and obstacles that you may face or at the very least will provide you with the passion to take everything in your stride.

Start to apply these tips to achieve personal and spiritual growth immediately and you will experience better results. I hope these nuggets of wisdom will be helpful for you.

To your success!