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Love Affirmations for Attracting Your Soul Mate

Affirmations of love make you “in tune with yourself” enabling you to attract the romance that you have always wanted with your soul mate.

The magic of love affirmations is that they rewire your inner dialogue which in turn sends out “good vibes” which act like a magnet, making you attractive to other people.

There may have been moments that you felt a natural desire to be in a relationship with someone, but you couldn’t for various reasons, particularly if you felt undeserving of a loving relationship with this person.

If this is the case you will need to develop your own positive love affirmations to recondition yourself in order for you to attract a person that you want to come into your life.

Are you excited to feel the love?

Then follow these simple and effective love affirmations for receiving love.

First, Get Specific

When you start to think about writing your love affirmations, get specific on what you want your soul mate to be:

1)    What kind of person that you want to attract

2)    And the kind of person YOU must become to attract them

Just when you thought that you only have to create positive affirmations to attract the soul mate of your desires… Well it doesn’t work one-way you must also creative positive affirmations for the person you must become yourself to be desirable as well.

Ask yourself: What qualities must I have to be an attractive person? What kind of person would I need to be in order to attract this kind of person?

You will find your answers will help form the love affirmations as you go through the process below.

Second, Build Your Affirmations

Your love affirmations must have some common elements in order for them to take effect:

1)    They must be in the first person

2)    They must be in the present tense

3)    Must be specifically focused on the traits that you are looking for in the other person

4)    And also focused on the traits that you want to assimilate in order to attract the man or woman of your dreams

For example, if you’re looking for someone who is confident and ambitious, your love affirmations might look like this:

”As a confident and ambitious man, I naturally attract confident and ambitious women into my life.”

“My confidence and assertiveness attracts confident and assertive women.”

“I attract ambitious women because I’m an ambitious man.”

Did you notice that each one of these love affirmations has the four things mentioned in common?

Now, in case you’re thinking that you are lying to yourself in stating such things, here’s something important to note about how affirmations work: love affirmations, like any other affirmations, work to condition your subconscious mind to believe the things that you are consistently telling it, which is called subconscious imprinting.

Your affirmations will reprogram your mind over time, until your new beliefs manifest into reality.

This will influence you to take certain actions and become aware of situations that may result in meeting your future partner. This is because once you have established new beliefs the psychological principle known as cognitive dissonance takes place. This is where a person no longer feels comfortable when what they believe and the actions that they take are not in alignment with one another. As a result, the person will change their actions to become realigned with these positive new beliefs.

Third, Rehearse Your Positive Affirmations

Have your written love affirmations in front of you and read them in front of a mirror in the morning and in the evening.

Try this for 21 days, and you will experience the magic of using affirmations. You will suddenly attract the places, things and circumstances that will lead you toward attracting your soul mate.

Good luck!